Wedding Trip Tips for Destination Wedding—— from an Actual Customer of Gemgrace


Hi, guys. This is Judy. I received the wedding services of Gemgrace and just finished my destination wedding and took a trip in Aegean Sea. So I want to share some tips with you. Hope you like it.

1. Your destination wedding dress doesn’t have to be that expensive and perfect. You should know that it is different from traditional wedding which so many friends and relations may focus on your wedding dress when you walking down the aisles. In destination wedding, you and the landscape will take much more important role of your travel than your wedding dress. Tea-length dress will be nice, because it won’t be so heavy, you can take it anywhere you want. And it would be better if the design could be simple and flowing by wind. Never choose corset back style as your destination wedding dress, it is very difficult to wear.

 cheep and convenient destination wedding dress

2. Know and get familiar with how to put on your wedding dress and head veil by yourself before you starting the travel. Some of the wedding dresses are designed to fix by ties, buttons and zip on your back. Some of the head veil need to be wear in different ways. In case you cannot wear all of this in your wedding day. It is really a challenge.

Know and get familiar with

3. Except your wedding dress, you also should take some  or short skirt with you. Most new couple will choose seaside as their destination, and I need to tell you the red dress is the best choice, because color red matched the sea blue very well. It is so striking that will catch your eyes at first glance. Destination gowns vs traditional ones, are more casual and not only white. Here is one post about some great ideas for your beach dresses.

tea-length dress

4. Hair style is also important. If you want flowing long hair, you need to grow it first. Most of destination wedding’s photo looks so good that bridal wear her long hair in the wind. Please try to avoid make you hairdressing at the point before you going out. Take your time with your hair. You know what I mean.

Beach Wedding Hair style

5. If you hold your destination wedding in summer, no…not only in summer, maybe some place having strong sunshine, do make good sunscreen preparation. Some our clients get sunburned in March in Greek. Such a horrible thing.

good sunscreen preparation

6. Learn more make up skills, poses for camera and usage of Photographic equipment. If you take your own photographer, erh…just forget it.

Wedding make up skills

7. Keep open mind, especially your husband. Girls may consider taking pictures in destination wedding as a significant thing. but! Boys may not. Some of buy might easily get sick of, I mean, tired of taking pictures here or there, everywhere. You know not everything would go smoothly and not every picture will make you satisfied. So staying in a good mood is the key to a happy trip. Don’t let little things ruin your wedding.

Keep open mind in long journey

8. If done right, a destination wedding can cost no more -- and maybe even less -- than hosting the same party at home (depending on where you live, of course). For example, if you live in a US metropolitan city where event facilities are in high demand, like New York City, then holding your wedding in Mexico will likely be less expensive than doing it at home, even when you factor in airfare, hotel expenses and planning trips. Still there are extra expenses you'll need to factor in for any destination wedding, including importing key vendors and décor, welcome bags for guests, additional activities for guests and travel costs for you and your immediate families (including the planning trips, not just the big day).

This post was originally posted at GemGrace Blog: Wedding Trip Tips For Destination Wedding.

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